Friday, July 29, 2011


Namaskaram !

Adiyen Sri Ramanuja Dasan.

It is my humble attempt to jot down all that I have heard and read about Sri VaishNavam. Though it is nothing new what all Acharyas and Upanyaskars have already discussed, it is still my sincere intent to reach the beginners and novices like me who are just in Kinder gardens of Sri VaishNavam;Initially I would like to share meaning of Nithyanusandanam (Paasurams to recite daily) and Daily a  dhivya Namam stotram from Vishnu Sahasranamam . I refer from different sites and Sloka books, will mention the source also. I also welcome srivaishnava's comments and articles.

 I hereby start my first post about who is SRIVAISHNAVAN.

A SriVaishnava is one who exudes sympathy, compassion and mercy is a Vaishnava. Whoever stops, to render whatever help is possible to one in suffering is a SriVaishnava .Whoever surrenders, to the Lotus Feet of Lord Maha Vishnu and is occupied with the thoughts of others' welfare and does good deeds to others, such a person is a SriVaishnava.
The term SriVaishnava as describing a person is not restricted to any particular caste or race. He (or she) is a Vishnu Bhakta, who lives for the welfare of the world beyond race and religion.
Quoted by: Srimad Azhagiyasingar of Ahobila Mutt (45th Jeer)

The word "Iyengar" is a relatively new name and was not used in any medieval works or scriptures. The word "Sri Vaishnava" would therefore be the right word to describe them, though all of them could be called as Sri Vaishnava Brahmins.The word Iyengar is derived from Ayya a Prakrit version of the Sanskrit word Arya along with the Telugu honorific plural suffix garu. Some others believe that the word "Iyengar" means one who is characterized by five attributes(Aindu angangal).
Lester, Robert that the word “Ayyangaar” was first used by Kandhaadai Ramanuja Ayyangaar of Tirupathi around 1450 AD.

Broader View:

1. A Srivaishnava thinks of himself as a servant of God (Sriman Narayana)
and of His votaries only and not as either independent, self-esteemed or
servant to any other.
2. He avoids the company of persons in pursuit of worldly pleasures.
3. He considers any votary of God (Sriman Narayana) as his own relative.
4. He always regards worshipful images of God (of Sriman Narayana and
his incarnations) as his father and of Goddess Lakshmi (and Her
incarnations) as his mother.
5. He welcomes his preceptor with as much warmth and liking as a hungry
person welcomes appeasing food.
6. If he is a preceptor, he welcomes his disciple as being most cherishable.
7. A Srivaishnava is helpful to others, free from haughtiness, greed and
avoids the praise of unwonted persons.
8. He tries to gain the twenty good characteristics mentioned in the
Bhagavad Gita (13th Chapter, verses 7 to 11 as well as 16th chapter verses
1-3) and prays for getting it by the merciful dispensation of God through
his preceptor.
9. A Srivaishnava desires not to prolong life in the mortal body, and prays
for spiritual welfare only.
10. He contemplates intently on the suffering inherent in worldly
11. Cares for his physical body and material situation for the satisfaction of
Sriman Narayana only, knowing that it is His (God's) property.
12. He considers all the ills and mishaps and experiences as due to his own
previous deeds; but he considers his benefits as due to the merciful
dispensation of God towards him.
13. He is convinced and confirmed in his belief that he could not get
liberation from suffering by his own actions but by the grace of God
14. He tries to live near places of worship of God in the Archa (Image) form
or near the acharya.
15. He wishes ardently for uninterrupted and everlasting contact with God
and dislikes any other pleasure.

So these are all essential qualities of SRIVAISHNAVA. As mentioned above its not particular Caste/race. Those who are all follow  above and pray Lord Vishnu are considered as real Vaishnavite.