Sunday, July 31, 2011

Tiruppavai (1) Margazhi Thingal

மார்கழித் திங்கள் மதிநிறைந்த நன்னாளால்;
நீராடப் போதுவீர்! போதுமினோ, நேரிழையீர்!
சீர்மல்கும் ஆய்ப்பாடிச் செல்வச் சிறுமீர்காள்!
கூர்வேல் கொடுந்தொழிலன் நந்தகோபன் குமரன்,
ஏரார்ந்த கண்ணி யசோதை இளஞ்சிங்கம்,
கார்மேனிச் செங்கண் கதிர்மதியம் போல்முகத்தான்
நாராயணனே, நமக்கே பறைதருவான்,
பாரோர் புகழப் படிந்தேலோ ரெம்பாவாய்.

maargazhi(th) thingaL madhi niRaindha nannaaLaal
neeraada(p) pOdhuveer pOdhuminO nErizhaiyeer
seer malgum aayppaadi(ch) chelva(ch) chiRumeergaaL
koorvEl kodundhozhilan nandhagOpan kumaran
Eraarndha kaNNi yasOdhai iLam singam
kaar mEni cengaN kadhir madhiyam pOl mugaththaan
naaraayaNanE namakkE paRai tharuvaan
paarOr pugazha(p) padindhElOr empaavaay..!!!


Oh the well ornamented maidens!

desirous of taking the bath (in the YamunA)
on this full moonday of MARGALIplease JOIN.
Oh the prosperous young girls of
AaypAdi (Gokulam) that is rich and grand
(in beauty and wealth)!
Lord NaarAyana will surely yield to us alone
the drum (paRai).
He is the son of King NandagOpa,
(KrishNa), the young lion-cub of YasOdhA
with very charming eyes.
He (Lord NaarAyaNa) has a dark cloud-like
divine complexion, (lotus like) reddish eyes
and (lustrous) face (shining) like the
bright Sun and Moon.

(This Lord Narayana alone is the Savior).
(Let us) resort (to Him) is performing the
Paavai-Nonbhu and get the benefit of praise
from the people of the world.
(Oh dear friend, may you recite and learn this)-
know the purport of this hymn}.

Broader View:

Month of Marghazhi (Dec/Jan) is the most celebrated month of the year. In Bhagavad
Gita verse 10.35, Krishna says, "Of the hymns in Sama Veda (I am) Brhatsama; of
mantras, I am Gayatri; of months (I am) Margazhi (Dec-Jan); of all seasons, I am
flower-bearer (spring-vasantha).

Month of Margazhi is the month of hope for the young girls who
pray to Manmatha (Cupid) to obtain good husbands, rain and prosperity. Bhagavatam
speaks of Katyayani Vratam. Katyayani Vratam: It is a custom and vow among the
unmarried cowherd girls to worship goddess Katyayani (Durga) on the banks of
Yamuna after bathing in the river. Each one beseeches Durga that she gets Krishna as
her husband. While they are bathing in the River, Krishna steals their garments and
stays perched on the Kadamba tree on the bank. When they find out that their clothes
were stolen, they ask him to give them back their clothes. Krishna points to them that they committed an infraction against the Devatas by bathing in the river naked. (Waters
of the rivers and lakes are sacred and should not be contaminated.) To atone their sins,
they have to come out and get their clothes from him, which they do. He promises them
that he would be the husband for each one of them. Thus He is One and many are his
forms. Andal (She who rules--over the heart of Narayana) received advice to perform
this ritual to marry Krishna. The refrain ஏலோ ரெ ம்பாவாய்(El or empaavaay; (or
r hymes with oar) El = listen. empaavaai = Em + paavaavai = my lass. There are many
other meanings given by learned pundits.

Maragazhi is for the young girls to observe Nonbu (Penance, religious austerity)
which dictates an early morning bath before the sunrise. Narayana gives them the
fulfillment of their desires. This verse touches on the goal and the means to attain
fulfillment of their desires which eventually lead to Bliss and merger with the Lord. This is surrender and Bliss; this is finality (Saranam).

neeraada(p) pOdhuveer : Shall we go to bathe; who is willing to go, O
jeweled maidens. Commentators say that water-play or ritual bathing means in this
context that the cowherd girls should immerse themselves in BhagavAn's lake of
auspicious qualities: JnAna, Bala, aisvarya, Virya, sakti, Tejas (Spiritual wisdom, strength,
Supreme Powers, valor, Sakti, Splendor). This immersion in Bhagavan is a guaranteed panacea
for all mental, physical and spiritual ills. This immersion is Saranagati and means becoming a
Prapannan, unconditional surrenderer to Bhagavan, the SarvAtmA, BhuthAtmA, SuddhAtmA,
EkAthmA, AnEkAtmA (Soul of all, Atma of all Bhutas--matter, Pure Soul, One Atma,
many souls). This immersion helps the Prapannan to get a little bit of the auspicious
qualities of the Lord.

In Bhagavad Gita (18.66), Bhagavan says, "Abandoning all duties, surrender unto Me
only. I shall deliver you from all sins. Do not lament."

sarva dharmAn parityajya mAm ekam saranam vraja |

aham tvAm sarva pApebhyo moksayisyAmi mA sucah ||

The critical statement of Bhagavan is, "Surrender to me Only." Once this is done there is no more trembling fear of sins. Liberation is at hand; there is no need to worry.

This is one of the most celebrated statements of Krishna and the final Sarama
Slokam meaning that it is the verse that teaches the meaning of attaining final bliss.
Saranam = finality, the end. It is the Maha Mantra of Krishna. What it means is that a devotee can give up daily injunctions of the nature of Yagnas, difficult to pursue in Kali Yuga. What a devotee can attain in terms of benefits by Yagnas can be obtained just by uttering His sacred names by way of Sahasranamam.(Even For Sahasranamam Lord Siva has given a shortcut for us:
 sri rAma rAma rAmeti rame rAme manorame
    sahasra nAma tat tulyam rAma nAma varAnane
(As stated by Lord Siva to PArvati - if you just chant the name "RAma", it
is equivalent to chanting the 1000 names of Sri MahA Vishnu")
Abandoning all daily duties means NOT giving up Sandyavandanam (and Matyanikam--
Rites performed by the twice-born daily at noon-- but (giving up performance of)
Yagnas (Sacrificial worship). Uttering the names of Bhagavan gives three kinds of
benefits: Dhrista Balam, Adhrista Balam, and Dhrishtadhrishta Balam.

Dhrishta Balam is the benefit open for all to see.

Adhrishta Balam is the benefit derived by the devotee from Bhagavan with His invisible hand.

Dhrishtadhrishta Balam is a combination of the previous two.

Surrender to the Lord has its own advantages. Saranagata Raksa is surrender-
protection and God is Saranagata Raksakan (Surrender-protector = protector of the
surrenderer). When a king surrenders to an emperor, the latter accepts the surrender, forgives and forgets all enmity and animosities of the surrendering king and offers him protection from other enemies. If you go to Bhagavan with all sincerity, devotion and love and surrender to him, he forgives all your sins and gives you Moksa.

Going to Moksa is attaining Paramapadam (salvation as highest bliss; also means his feet; his retinue in milk ocean). Paramapadam means living close to Vishnu lying on Adhi Sesa in the milk ocean with his conch, discus, club, bow and lotus, and attended by his Bhagavatas including Sri, Bhu, Neela, Garuda, Gandharva, Kimpurusa.

Bhagavan points the easy way to reach Him. What Bhakti, Jnana, Raja, Karma
Yogas can obtain for a devotee is attainable (with one-pointed devotion) for a
Prapannan who surrenders himself to Bhagavan, who confers Paramapadam to

 During Pralaya, Bhagavan is portrayed to be floating on a banyan leaf. How is it possible for a Being who has
swallowed the whole universe to float on a leaf? That quality is what is called
Akaditakatanaa Saamarthiyam (versatile doer of the impossible). It appears that the leaf supports Bhagavan. Is it the leaf that supports Bhagavan? Is it Bhagavan who supports the leaf? It is the latter supporting the former.

He is the one who supports all the weight of the universe and the leaf itself. Akaditam = The impossible. Saamarthiyam =adeptness.

Learned pundits consider bathing is just not for physical and ritual external purity alone. The bathing Pond is Bhagavan's Satchitananda (Being, Consciousness and Bliss); To bathe in the pond is to immerse in the Bliss of Bhagavan. That tells us the ayarpadi girls have obtained Saranagata Raksa from Krishna. Wealth here refers to the spiritual wealth.

Andal performs the bath rituals, invites the girls as if they were the Gopis of Ayarpadi
with Sri Villiputtur as the Gokulam, Vatapatrasayee Temple as Nandagopan's palace,
and Vatapatra Saye perumal as Krishna

The Ayarpadi girls were in the past the Gopis who are born again to serve Krishna.

Thus Aandal invites all of us to bath in Bhakthi ocean along with her, Let us join with her by reciting the following paasuram, through youtube :)

Nandhagopan Kumaran Alankaram @ Kannadi arai Aandal ,Paramapadha nadha Sannidhi,Srirengam.

Here you can see koor vel konda Nandhagopan,Yashoda and Cows are delighted by Karmeni Krishnan Birth..

Karmeni kannan,thotilil :)

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