Friday, August 5, 2011

Acharya (Guru Lineage) -2

We have seen Guru Parampara from Lord Narayana to Nathamuni in Acharya (Guru) Lineage-1.
Let us see from Uyyakondar to Desika in this section.

Sri Uyyakondar

He was born at Thiruvellarai (near Trichy) in the year 827CE,in the month of Chithirai and his birth star is Karthigai.His original name was “Pundarikakshar”, Vyyakkondar means “One who came to redeem i.e. uplift”. 

He had 5 sishyas and the important one is Manakkal Nambi

If you are about to go to Srirangam, dont miss Thiruvellarai.  Its near Manachananllur (Trichy). Thiruvellarai Sendhamarai kannan is Aadhi perumal. He is there even before Renganatha came to Srirangam. Adiyen hails (before marriage) from Uyya Kondazhvar Acharya vamsam, Melathirumaligai Acharya,Tiruvellarai  
Also you can visit Karmabanur (Bikshander kovil) Purushothama Perumal ,where Lord Brhama's brahma hathi dhosham got rectified. Here you can see seperate kovil for Brhama and Shivan inside Perumal kovil itslef
Manakkal Nambi
His original name was Rama Misrar.He was born in Anbil, near Trichy ,in the month of Masi. His birth star is Magam. He rendered personal Service to his Acharya i.e. Uyyakkondar including preparation of food. His devotion to his Guru is unbelievable. Once the two daughters of Uyyakkondar had to cross the slush on the way back to their home after bath in the river. They hesitated to step down on the slush fearing they will get dirty. Sri Rama Misrar without hesitation laid down on the slush and asked the girls to walk over on his back. Since the sands at the feet of his Guru’s daughters were on his body, he was called “Manal Kaal Nambi”. He took Sanyasam and he was instrumental in guiding alavandar to became a Sanyasi to propagate one Sampradhayam. He is considered as fourth Rama, after Parasurama, Rama and Balarama

Yamunacharya (Alavandhar)
He was the grandson of Sri Natha Muni.His parents were Iswara Battar and Ranganayaki.He was born in the month of Adi on Uttarashada star. He was born at Kuppankuzhi near Kattumannar Koil.He was named as Yamuna by his parents. 

  Yamuna as King
Once a haughty Royal Chaplain by name Akkiyalvan was challenging and humiliating learned scholars to argue with him. He promised to offer his Kingdom, if they win the debate.
Akkiyalvan asked the boy to state 3 propositions, which he will counter and prove it as false statements. If he could not, Yamuna be declared as winner.

Yamuna posed
1. Your mother is not a barren Mother (childless)
2. Our King is a righteous and powerful ruler
3. The queen is a model of Chastity

Akkitalvan was shocked. He cant prove above statements. The king ordered Yamuna to disprove his statements. Yamuna clarified as follows
1. The sacred law says that only son is no son at all. Since Akkiyalvan is the only son to his mother she can be called as barren
2. The king is entertaining an arrogant person like Akkialvan to be his Chaplain, he can not be called righteous
3. According to Shruthi texts, every woman is first wedded to soma, then Gantharva, then Agni before marrying her early partner. So in the eyes of Shruthi the queen cannot be deemed as a model of Chastity.

From then Yamuna is called as Alavandar “One who came to save ”. He was given the Royal Kingdom as promised. Alavandar thus became king, but due to his royal duties he could not attend to the religious duties properly.

This made his Acharya Rama Misrar (Manakkal Nambi) worried because he has promised Uyyakondar that he would install Alavandar as spiritual successor to Nathamuni.

Yamuna as Sage

After strenuous efforts, Mankkal Nambi , requested Aalavandar to take over the reins of spiritual leadership, as per the wishes of his Grand father Nathamuni.

Alavandar immediately stepped down from royal Kingdom and took Sanyasa.He was called Yamuna Muni.He wrote several works that are simply brilliant. His works are as follows

1. Stothra Ratna
2. Chatuh Sloki
3. Siddhi Trayam
4. agama Pramanya
5. Maha Purusha Niyamam
6. Githartha Sangraham
7. Nithyam
8. Maya Vadha Khandanam

Yamuna muni/Alavandar had many illustrious sishyas. Some of his important sishyas are
1.  Peria Nambi
2. Thirukkoshtiyur Nambi
3.  Peria Thirumalai Nambi (uncle of Ramanuja)
4. Alavandar Alwan (Thiruvaranga Perumal Arayar)
5. Thirumalai Andan

Alavandar blessed Bhagavad Ramanuja from a distance while he visited Kanchipuram although he never met Ramanuja in person during his lifetime. He wanted Sri Ramanuja to continue the Propagation of Srivaishnava Sampradhayam after his lifetime.

Peria Nambi

                He was born in the month of Margazhi.His birth star is Kettai.He is one of the Prime Sishya of Alavandar and Peria Nambi is the Acharya of Sri Ramanuja.

He did Samasrayanam to Ramanuja at Madhuranthakam, when they met each other midway between their journeys. Peria Nambi was traveling from SriRangam to Kanchi to bring Ramanuja to SriRangam as per the wishes of Alavandar.

Ramanuja was traveling from Kanchi to Srirangam as ordered by Lord Varadha to become sishya of Peria Nambi. Not much know about this Acharya. He wrote a Grantha titteld "thiru Pathithak Kovai”. 

Sri Peria Nambi is an important Acharya since he taught Bhagavad Ramanuja, based on what he learnt from Alavandar.

Bhagavad Sri Ramanuja

Bhagavad Ramanuja was born in Sriperumbudur, a small town near Madras in the year 1017 CE in the month of Chiththirai and his birth star is Thiruvadhirai.
His parents are Asuri Kesavacarya and Kanthimathi. Seeing the brilliance in the face the child, his uncle, Sri Peria thirumalai Nambi named the child as Ramanuja. Rama anuja is ramanuja, meaning brother of Rama.
There is a sloka in Yadhavaachala Mahatmyam, which says:

Ananthah Prathamam Roopam Lakshmanascha Tathah Parah |
Balabadram Thritheeyasthu Kalou Kaschit Bhavishyathi ||

(Meaning) It is the same who was Adhisesha first, Lakshmana after and Balarama in the third, who is born as Sri Ramanuja in the Kali yuga.

Ramanuja's First Guru was Yadhavaprakasha who later became his disciple of him.
His Maanaseeka Guru (Guru by heart) is Aalavandar. Sri Peria Nambi (Sishya of Aalavandar) taught all Prabhandams to Ramanuja.

 Ramanuja' Disciples are Kidambi,Pillaan and Kuresan (Kurataazhvan)

Ramanuja travelled 18 timees to  learn Thirukkoshtiyur in order to learn the secrets of the three great Mantras (Dvayam Mantram). from an acharya  " Tiruk Koshtiyur Nambi. He cautioned Ramanuja that he should not give out the secrets to anyone with out his permission and if he did so, he would go to hell.

Immediately on receiving the instructions, Ramanuja climbed up to the top of the temple tower and proclaimed to the large gathering of his disciples assembled there the purport of the instruction.

"Sriman Narayana Saranam Saranam prabathye
Srimathe Narayanaya Namaha"
Ramanuja explained Nambi, that he himself would go to hell for not obeying his guru's order but People who listened to his upadesam would be saved and they will attain salvation due to the blessings of Thirukkoshtiyur Nambi. The Guru was delighted and he called him 'Emperumanar'- " O! My lord" and declared that Srivaishnavism would thenceforward be known as " Ramanuja Darsanam"- ' the light of Ramanuja'

Swami Desika

Sri Desika’s original name was Venkata natha. His parents have choosen this name since Desika was born on a sravanam day, which is the birth star of Thiruppathi perumal, Lord Srinivasa.

Besides he was born with the blessings of Lord Srinivasa and he is the incarnation of the bell of Lord Srinivasa.

Sri Desika was born  about 130 years after Bhagavad Ramanuja attained parama padam.His parents were Sri Ananthasuri and Smt Thothaaramba.He was born in a place called Thoopul near Kanchi puram.

Sri Appullar was Swami desika’s uncle as well as acharaya.He taught Desika the sacred Garuda mantra. 
Swami desika then went to Thiruppathi  he composed the beautiful stotra called Daya shatakam. Lord Srinivasa has blessed swami desika conferring the title Vedantaacharya

Lord Ranganatha was pleased with their beloved child Sri Desika’s intelligence and conferred him the title of “ Vedanta Desikan” Sri Ranga naayaki thaayaar conferred the title of “ Sarva tantra swatantrar” which means that he is master of all arts, crafts.

Later Sri Ranganayaki thayar ordered that a sannidhi should be made for Swami desika close to her sannidhi inside the temple. Also it is believed that she ordered that no other acharya sannidhi will be made hereafter inside the temple as a mark of respect to this great acharya, which is being followed to this day.One can see the desikan sannidhi in front of the thaayaar sannidhi in Srirangam.

Now we have learned briefly about our acharyas starting from Sriman Narayana upto Swami desika.Present Day Acharyas/Jeeyars are nominated by Ramanujar and Desika wrt each Madathipathis/Peetadhipathis. Let us pray to these great acharyas and seek their blessings to read and understand their works/Storas, which will be the most pleasing kaimkaryam to Perumal and Thayar.

Acharya Thiruvadigale Saranam,

1 comment:

  1. How do you prove that krishna is paripurna in vishistaadvaita?.....
    because krishna only said that he is paripurna in bhagavath geetha...

    but ,according to vishistaadvaita...we are brahman,at the same time ,we are not paripurna...similar case applies to,how is krishna paripurna in vishistaadvaita?
