Sunday, August 7, 2011

Tiruppavai-2 - Vayathu Vaazveerkal

வையத்து வாழ்வீர்காள்! நாமும் நம் பாவைக்குச்  
செய்யும் கிரிசைகள் கேளீரோ, பாற்கடலுள் 
பையத் துயின்ற பரமனடி பாடி  
நெய்யுண்ணோம் பாலுண்ணோம் நாட்காலே நீராடி
மையிட்டு எழுதோம் மலரிட்டு நாம் முடியோம் 
செய்யாதன செய்யோம் தீக்குறளை சென்று ஓதோம்
ஐயமும் பிச்சையும் ஆந்தனையும் கைகாட்டி 
உய்யுமாறு எண்ணி உகந்து ஏலோர் எம்பாவாய்
vaiyaththu vaazhveerkaaL! naamum nam paavaikkuch
cheyyum kirisaikaL kELiirO, paaRkataluL 
paiyath thuyindra paramanati paati
neyyuNNOm paaluNNOm naatkaalE neeraati 
maiyittu ezhudhOm malarittu naam mutiyOm 
seyyaadhana seyyOm theekkuRaLai sendru OdhOm 
aiyamum pichchaiyum aandhanaiyum kaikaatti
uyyumaaRu eNNi ukandhu ElOr empaavaay. 

Meaning :

 Oh! you people born to live (vaazhveer gaaL) in this world (vaiyam), won't you listen (kELeerO) to the deeds (kirisai) we do (chey) to ourselves (naam) and to our (nam) idol (paavai)!. We sing (paadi) in praise of the feet (adi) of the Lord (paraman) who is in meditative sleep (paiyath thuyil) on the ocean of milk (paal kadal). We do not eat (uNNOm) ghee (ney). We do not drink (uNNOm) milk (paal). We bathe (neeraadi) early morning (naat kaalE). We do not use (ezhudhOm) eye liner (mai). We (naam) do not braid our hair (mudiyOm) with flowers (malar). We do not do (seyyOm) prohited things (seyyaadhana). We do not go and recite (chenRu OdhOm) evil (theeya) demons (kuRaL) works. We donate (kai kaattu) to poor people (pichchai), to deserving people (aiyam), to ascetic people (aandhanai). We think (eNNi) about our salvation (uyya) and feel happy (ugandhu).

People who reside in this world! May You listen to our austerities, you are to follow during our Paavai Nonbhu. We will sing in praise of the holy feet of Paraman (the Supreme Purushan) that has taken to sleep (YoganidhrA) merrily on the milky ocean. We will refrain from consuming ghee and milk. At the early small hours of the day (dawn), we will bathe immersed in the river; we will refrain from applying anjanam to our eyes; we will not decorate our locks of hair (lit. bind our hairs) with flowers; (we will abide by the holy text books ShaasthrAs); we will refrain from performing proscribed duties; we will not speak painful untruth; we will give liberally alms tothose people. we will always contemplate upon the fair method to achieve the aim
of purposeful life ; and we will (thus) live a contented life. This way, Oh dear girl, You may know our routine. Refraining from doing wrong acts, through the path of VairAgyA (dispassion) one should adore the feet of KshIrAbd

More Insight

At her cordial invitation a huge crowd gathered and the wonder-struck ANDAL exclaims, "in this ignorance-spreading world, are there so many interested in Emancipation!” She proceeds to prescribe "dos" and "don'ts" (which actually are the SAMBHAVITA SWABHAVA, the natural characteristics of the Adhikari).

While we appear to be performing this vow for getting rain, in reality it is different. She stresses the words "NAMUM NAM Pavaikku"- NAMUM- WE are quite different from others; we long for His company and firmly believe that He alone is the Means for achieving it. NAM Pavai- Indrajit did a malefic rite to put an end to Rama; but OUR beneficent rite is for securing Lord's and His World's prosperity and happiness.

The SriVaishnavite Code of Conduct as prescribed by her is as follows:

1. Recite the Samskrita and Dravida Veda which sings the glory of the Feet of the Lord reclining on the Serpent in the Milky Ocean, all the while thinking about one's Redemption.

2. Eschew all carnal and even worldly desires like eating ghee, drinking milk etc.

3. Bathe early in the morning. Don't adorn your eyes with collyrium, or your hair with flowers till the completion of the vow; meaning thereby that a SriVaishnava needs decoration etc only when he is in union with the Lord.

4. Never indulge in an act which was not practiced by our righteous minded ancestors. Bharata refused the kingship though granted by his father and permitted by Rama on the grounds that the tradition of Solar Kings did not permit a younger son to rule when the elder was living.

5. A SriVaishnava should not speak ill of others or even think about it (which is tantamount to reporting it to the God inside the heart, thereby ensuring their fall); Sita never uttered a word to Rama about the ill-treatment by the Rakshasis.

6. He should ever be ready to do charity and impart knowledge about God to all those who need it.

In short he should constantly be thinking about his upliftment and keep his mind filled with peace and happiness.

ஆண்டாள் தோழிமார்களை நீராட அழைத்தல்

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